NDIS Continence Assessment: What You Need to Know

Living with a disability can present a multitude of challenges, one of which is managing continence. For those who require support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), it’s important to understand the process for receiving continence assessment and assistance. This post will explore what you need to know about the NDIS continence assessment, including eligibility criteria and available support.

Understanding Continence Assessment

Continence assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s bladder and bowel control. It is conducted by a trained health professional such as a continence nurse or occupational therapist and involves assessing an individual’s physical abilities, medical history and lifestyle factors that may impact their continence. This assessment helps to determine the type and level of continence support an individual may require.

Eligibility Criteria for NDIS Continence Assessment

To be eligible for a continence assessment through the NDIS, an individual must meet certain criteria. Firstly, they must have a permanent or significant disability that impacts their bladder and/or bowel control. It’s important to note that continence assessments are not available through the NDIS for individuals who are too old.

Available Supports

The NDIS provides funding for a range of continence supports, including assessment, advice and products. Continence assessments can be conducted in a variety of settings, such as at home, in a clinic or in a hospital. The results of the assessment will inform the type and level of continence support an individual may receive, which may include:

  • Advice on appropriate toileting techniques
  • Provision of continence aids such as catheters, pads or commodes
  • Referral to specialist services for further treatment or management
  • Access to continence aids through the NDIS Assistive Technology (AT) Scheme

How to Request a Continence Assessment

If you are currently receiving support from the NDIS and believe you may benefit from a continence assessment, it’s important to discuss this with your plan manager or support coordinator. They can assist you in requesting an assessment and ensuring that it is included in your NDIS plan. Additionally, you can also request a referral from your general practitioner or specialist.

Continence management is an important aspect of daily life for many individuals living with a disability. Through the NDIS, eligible individuals have access to continence assessments and support to help them manage their continence needs. By understanding the eligibility criteria and available supports, individuals can work with their NDIS plan manager or support coordinator to request a continence assessment and receive the necessary assistance.

For more info, contact a local company like Dreamcare121.
