NDIS Continence Assessment: What You Need to Know

Living with a disability can present a multitude of challenges, one of which is managing continence. For those who require support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), it’s important to understand the process for receiving continence assessment and assistance. This post will explore what you need to know about the NDIS continence assessment, including eligibility criteria and available support. Understanding Continence Assessment Continence assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s bladder and bowel control. [Read More]

3 Benefits of Geriatric Physiotherapy

Older people can benefit from physio treatments in many ways. While some people need to see a physiotherapist after an injury or to aid recovery after a debilitating illness, others have general treatments with a geriatric physio. What are the benefits of having physiotherapy as you get older? 1. Maintain and Improve Mobility As people age, they often start to have mobility problems. Some people find it hard to get around or maintain an active lifestyle because of conditions such as arthritis. [Read More]

Two tips to follow if you've sustained a back injury at work

If you've injured your back at work (by, for example, lifting something that was too heavy), here are some tips to follow. Ask to be referred to one of the local occupational health and rehabilitation services In this situation, you should contact your employer and find out if they can refer you to one of the local occupational health and rehabilitation services in the area. When people are injured in their workplaces, their employers will sometimes agree to cover the cost of receiving the medical care they need to recover from that injury. [Read More]

Childhood Autism: Everything You Need to Know

This article explains everything you need to know about autism and how a psychologist can help a child that has been diagnosed with this condition. Read on to discover more! What Is Autism? Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects the way people perceive, think and behave. Symptoms typically appear during infancy or early childhood. As autism can range from being very mild to severely disabling, there is a wide spectrum of possible symptoms. [Read More]